(selected excerpts)

Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.), licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Developed innovative circuits to provide several new capabilities for existing wireless systems. One of these allowed for non-powered operations to cover situations where system amplifiers and headend equipment are damaged. Another provided additional security above that provided by call groups, for isolated communications in sensitive areas.

Developed an engineering design program to allow alternative wireless network designs to be compared and easily modified. The program was developed to store component parameters and network designs, and provided graphing capability.

Project manager and electrical designer for the UHF Follow-on/EHF satellite communications system. Designed electrical communications interfaces and electrical power circuitry.

Managed the engineering group at Analysis & Technology's Chesapeake Operations Center. The group performed hardware and software systems integration and systems upgrades for a variety of electrical/electronic platforms. Also, reviewed and assisted in the development of Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) for U.S. Navy systems.

Led a team that designed a smart building system for an office building in Dayton, Ohio. The multifunctional backbone was designed along with the subsystem interfaces. The system was designed to handle multiple LAN communities, terminal-to-host communications, security badge readers, video, and an energy monitoring and control system for the building.

Head of the team that designed a "campus-wide" network for Charleston Naval Shipyard that would link over 1500 stations in over 100 buildings with computer equipment made by a variety of vendors. A redundant fiber optic backbone was provided for future expansion. The system was also designed to incorporate teleconferencing, video surveillance, secure digital telephone, bar code and badge readers, and external WAN interfaces, such as DDN.

Cognizant electrical engineer on many projects pertaining to overhaul work being performed on several nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers. Developed overhaul procedures, corrective action procedures, and designed electrical test rigs for shop testing of equipment.

Designed the electrical distribution and lighting systems for many of the stores in a new Richmond, Virginia shopping mall. These designs included developing specifications for all electrical equipment, and all systems were designed to comply with applicable codes.